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  • Terms & Conditions

    抽獎活動遊戲規則: Lucky Draw Mechanism: 1. 抽獎活動舉辦日期為 2020年 3月20 日至 2020年 3 月 29 日。 The Lucky Draw will be held from 20 to 29 March 2020. 2. 於活動期間,參加者必須查閱 “TriTech Distribution”Facebook專頁並 按照以下步驟參加遊戲。 During the event period, participants required to enter the official Facebook page of “TriTech Distribution” and follow below procedures to participate. 3. 讚好“TriTech Distribution”Facebook專頁,tag 2位好友並留言回答正確答案,完成後並在此鏈結 “” 填寫個人資料(包括公司名稱,公司電郵,公司電話,公司地址)作寄出禮品。 Like our “TriTech Distribution” official Facebook page, tag 2 friends and answers correctly in the comment of the post, and fill in your personal information (Including company name, company email, company phone, company address) in the “” for deliver a souvenir. 4. 如果參加者若沒有遵守於條款所列明之步驟參與,其參加資格將被取消。 If a participant does not follow the steps stated in T&C, he / she will be disqualified to participate in the event. 5. 活動總共送出100份禮品包,得獎者將會收到電郵得獎通知並於活動完結後1個月內寄出,一經寄出後,若有遺失或被竊,TriTech Distribution Limited 將不會補發。' The lucky draw will give away a total of 100 souvenirs. Winners will receive an email notification for gained a souvenir and send it within 1 month after the event ends. Once sent, TriTech Distribution Limited will not make up for it if it is lost or stolen. 6. 參加者在活動期間只可參加一次抽獎,並留言回答一次。 Every participant can draw at most once during the event and leave a message to answer once. 7. 獎品圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準,並不作另行通知。 The gift photos are for reference only, the real object should be considered as final and without prior notice. 8. 如因得奬者提供的個人資料 (包括姓名和住址) 不符及/或錯誤令禮品無法寄送,本公司將不會負上任何責任,得奬者亦不得要求補發或任何形式的補償。 The Company will not assume any responsibility for false, changed or incomplete contact information provided by the participant cannot ship to the address provided 9. 得獎者不得將獎品兌換成現金或其他產品或服務及轉讓。 The prizes are non-negotiable, non-transferable, non-refundable and not exchangeable for cash, credit or others, wither in part or in full. 10. 如發現任何蓄意以空號或虛假身份參加是次活動,TriTech Distribution Limited有權取消參加者的參加 / 得獎資格。 Fake accounts / identities are prohibited in this campaign and TriTech Distribution Limited reserves the right to disqualify any individual finds violating this term. 11. 是次活動所有資料皆受隱私條款保護。 This campaign is fully in compliance with the requirements of Privacy Policy. 12. 參加者所提供的個人資料只作本活動用途,所有資料均按個人資料(私隱) 條例處理,並於活動期完結後三個月後銷毀。參加者可依個人意願提供其 個人資料。如參加者不願意提供相關資料,整個登記程序將不會完成,並 視為未參加本推廣活動。 Personal data provided by the participants are for the use of this promotion only. Personal information is handled in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and will be destroyed three months after the end of the promotion period. Participants can provide their personal information at their free will. If the participant does not wish to provide the relevant information, the registration procedure will not be completed and will regard as void. 13. 此項活動將可能進行任何形式的攝影或 / 和錄像。TriTech Distribution Limited將會保留所有形式的圖片或影像之播放權。 The event may conduct in any form of photographic or / and video recording. TriTech Distribution Limited reserves the right to broadcast all images at its discretion. 14. TriTech Distribution Limited保留取消或更改該活動及條款與細則的權 利,而無須另行通知。 TriTech Distribution Limited reserves the right to modify or cancel this promotion / these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. 15. 本推廣所涉及之產品、服務及資訊均由有關供應商提供,並受有關細則及 條款約束。所有有關責任及義務亦由有關供應商全權負責。 All products, services and descriptions are provided by suppliers and are restricted by the terms and conditions. All responsibilities are borne by the suppliers. 16. TriTech Distribution Limited保留最終決定權。 Decision of TriTech Distribution Limited shall be final. 17. 若中、英文版之條款及細則有差異,則以中文版為準。 In case of discrepancies between English and Chinese versions, the Chinese language will prevail.

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8/F, Kwok Kee Group Centre, 107 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong


T(+852) 3958 3000


T(+852) 3958 3058


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